Sunday, December 25, 2011


I have always been interested in animation ever since i started playing video games when I was little, and my interest in them has done nothing but grow. I am soon going to start taking classes at my local community college, and have just recently caught an interest in film and special effects. What are the best film schools that I could transfer to when I finish with community college. I am not very good with making decisions for myself, so I will be asking a lot of questions here on my blog. lol  If you are already in the field, do you have any tips for me? or questions?

Battlefield 3 Video Contest

I think I might try to enter this contest. I will definitely be needing to start playing this horrible game more. The grand prize is a trip to DICE Stockholm which would be pretty sweet. What do you guys think? Should I try?

Saturday, December 24, 2011